Making money in the stock market should not consume all of your time.
It should not require you to be an expert on company balance sheets, cash flow statements, mergers and acquisitions, or anything else that requires a Harvard MBA.
Whether you are new to stocks, still recovering from the last market crash, a streak of bad luck with your own stock picks, or if you are just looking to build a better retirement in a less stressful way.
I have a way for you to do it, that is easy to learn and easy to use. Quickly and consistently.
In fact, even brand new traders are using it to close in quickly on their retirement. The key is to follow the system on every trade you make, and don't deviate from it.
The real success is in following a system that consistently produces profits without emotional involvement.
With those ingredients, it's only a short matter of time until you reach whatever level of wealth you desire and your own retirement goals.
How would your life be different if you had a nest egg worth $1 million, $3 million, or more?
Once you have a nest egg like that, even 10 to 15 percent per year will give you a $100,000 to $450,000 per year lifestyle.
The reason this system produces such incredible results is its ability to pinpoint stocks that are on the verge of increasing 100%, 200%, 300% or more in the next 6-12 months.
Of course, this system is also uncanny at pinpointing lagging stocks just before they take a serious nosedive, allowing you to secure or even increase your profits.
This system is producing stunning profits that can give you a life of wealth and complete peace of mind in your own stock trading.
Experienced, traders and investors are only interested in systems that create consistent profits that, over time, lead to lasting wealth.
They become wealthy by following a system that's proven to produce substantial profits on a consistent basis and they manage risk.
Maybe you'd like to travel, buy a boat, give money to your church or charity. Maybe you’d like to help you daughter or grandson start their own business.
Everyone's different.
The point is: this approach could give you everything you've ever wanted in life - things most people only dream about.
But you must be willing to follow the method.
Big institutions spend billions on quant data, algorithms and mathematicians to create a huge edge over everyone else.
Everyone should have the same chance as big institutions to be on the right side of every trade.
Now you do! Yes the proprietary algorithms behind my system are complex, but I've made it so easy for you to use.
Just click a few buttons and the computer goes to work crunching all the numbers.
Within a few seconds it spits out a list of stocks that have the recipe for explosive moves higher.
You can even find weak stocks that are ready to fall of a cliff if you want to make money on the downside.
I would love to tell you everything about my algorithms because you'd be convinced this is as fool-proof as it gets. But that would give away the proprietary nature of my system.
However, I will tell you this. It all starts with OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close), you got it....Price.
Why is price so important?
The only way to always be on the right side of the market is to...follow the market.
Let me explain.
Information that is known or anticipated is already factored into the price of the stock.
When large institutions make their investing decisions based on what they know or anticipate, they have already “placed their bets”. Meaning they have either bought or sold.
Makes sense right?
When large instiutions are buying, that buying will show up in the stock price.
Price includes everyones real time, live decisions.
The truth is, the market will tell you what it's going to do next.
That's right, the market will tell you everything you need to know, you just have to learn how to listen.
And now I've made listening to the market as easy as the click of a button.
Here are a few examples of stocks this system has signaled.